1.5-L Listerine Ultraclean Oral Care Antiseptic Mouthwash (Cool Mint) $4.99 & More + Free Shipping w/ Prime or on $35+
Amazon [amazon.com] has Cool Mint Listerine Products from $4.99 listed below. Shipping is free w/ Prime or on $25+ or $35+ orders (minimum requirement varies by location).
- Listerine (Cool Mint)
- 1.5-L Ultraclean [amazon.com] $4.99
- 2-Count 1-L [amazon.com] $8.38 ($4.19 each) or less when you ‘clip’ the 25% off coupon and checkout via S&S. Select Amazon accounts may qualify for additional savings during checkout (not all accounts are eligible).
- 3-Count Concentrate Refill Pack [amazon.com] $6.44 ($2.15 each) w/ S&S