5-Oz Dr. Squatch All Natural Bar Soap for Men with Medium Grit (Birchwood Breeze) $3 + Free Shipping w/ Prime or on $35+
Amazon [amazon.com] has 5-Oz Dr. Squatch All Natural Bar Soap for Men with Medium Grit (Birchwood Breeze) for $2.99. Shipping is free w/ Prime or on $25+ or $35+ orders (minimum requirement varies by location).
Note: temporarily out of stock, still available to order.
Walmart also has select 5-Oz Dr. Squatch All Natural Bar Soaps on sale. Reps/TU to SD Deal Editor SlickDealio for the find.
- Birchwood Breeze [walmart.com] $2.99
- Wood Barrel Bourbon [walmart.com] $2.99
Product Description from Store
- Bar Soap Birchwood Breeze
- Medium Grit
- Birch Bark & Pumice
- 5 oz. Bar